Short and Funny Jokes! Hilarious Puns!

Best first: Atoms are untrustworthy little critters. They make up everything!
 Best puns double meaning jokes

Pun Intended

How to spot a blind man on a nudist beach? Well it's not hard, really...
A man sued an airline company after it lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case.
Where should a dog go when it’s lost its tail?
The retail store of course.
Atoms are untrustworthy little critters. They make up everything!
The rabbi really messed up that circumcision. It was a total rip-off.
What is a typical diet of a sea monster? Fish and ships.
What do you receive when you ask a lemon for help?
I owe a lot to the sidewalks. They’ve been keeping me off the streets for years.
I forgot to turn off the oven yesterday, but it's OK - I just got some Darth Vader cookies. A bit on the dark side.
You can usually tell on which day the city's snow blowers are coming. All the snowmen are smiling since morning.
I hate my printer. Whenever I need to print, all I get is upbeat music coming out of it and a message that the paper is jamming.
I wasn't originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind.
First Part
of Best Puns

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6