Kids jokes
What did the blanket say to the bed?
No fears, I've got you covered!
What should you serve a shark with his peanut butter?
A Jellyfish!
What was Camelot, really?
It was a place for
everybody to park their camels!
Why is it impossible for your nose to be 12 inches long?
Because then it
would become a foot!
Daddy, where
is Albania?"
"You have to ask Grandma. She cleaned here the last
Father: And, how do you like going to school?
Son: Well, the going
bit is OK, the coming home bit is fine too, but the time in between kind of
ruins it!
Why did the bird have to go to the hospital?
He was scheduled for a tweetment.
Q: What does an astronaut like most about his computer?
A: The space bar!
Q: What happens when a cat wins a dog show?
Teacher: How come you don’t have your homework?
Pupil: I lost it when I was
fighting this kid who kept saying you weren't the best teacher in the
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Kids Jokes
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