Short and Funny Jokes! The Funniest Jokes Top 100

Best first: You’ll never believe who I bumped into on my way to the eye doctor! Everybody!

The Funniest Jokes Top 100

What do you get if you crossbreed a sheep and a kangaroo?
A woolly jumper.
What happens when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
A: You get a frostbite.
You’ll never believe who I bumped into on my way to the eye doctor! Everybody!
Why are frogs such happy animals?
Because they always eat whatever bugs them.

Q: What is blue and smells like red paint?
A: Blue paint.
Why do squirrels swim on their backs?
So their nuts don't get wet!
What do you get when you cross-breed a cow and a shark?
I don’t know, but I wouldn't enjoy milking it.

Q: Is Google a he or a she?
A: A she, no doubt, because it won‘t let you finish your sentence without suggesting other ideas.

That moment when you laugh so hard in a fancy restaurant that the wine comes back through your nose.

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Funniest Jokes of All Times

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See also: New jokes